Systemd boot my laptop

I’ve decide to try to use systemd-boot instead of my usual grub bootloader. Here is what i’ve done :

  • Install systemd-boot

The package is installed by default in archlinux, i’ll just install the boot part

bootclt install
  • Edit the file /boot/loader/loader.conf

#Display the menu at the highest resolution
#Other options are "auto,max,keep,0,1,2"
console-mode max
#Boot to my arch entry as default
default arch
#autoboot if no keepressed to the default entry after 3s
timeout 3  
  • Get the UUID of the root partition
sudo blkid  
  • Create files for the different menu entries
title  Arch Linux
linux  /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=UUID=<your root partition UUID> rw
title  Arch Linux Fallback
linux  /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux-fallback.img
options root=UUID=<your root partition UUID> rw

In my case I use an encrypted root partition so i’ve replaced options root=UUID=<your root partition UUID> rw by options cryptdevice=PARTUUID=<my root PARTUUID>:root root=/dev/mapper/root rw

If needed you can also load your cpu microcode by adding the entry :

# replace cpu_manufacturer by amd or intel
initrd /cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img  
  • Uninstall grub
sudo pacman -Rcnsu grub
sudo rm -R /boot/grub



179 Words

2024-01-16 10:34 +0100
