My Qtile config

Here are the most useful commands that i use in my Qtile environment :

Windows + h (Move focus to left)
Windows + l (Move focus to right)
Windows + j (Move focus down)
Windows + k (Move focus up)
Windows + shift + h (Move window to the left)
Windows + shift + l (Move window to the right)
Windows + shift + j (Move window down)
Windows + shift + k (Move window up)
Windows + ctrl + h (Grow window to the left)
Windows + ctrl + l (Grow window to the right)
Windows + ctrl + j (Grow window down)
Windows + ctrl + k (Grow window up)
Windows + n (Reset all window sizes)
Windows + Return (Launch terminal)
Windows + Tab (Toggle between layouts aka full screen the focus windows)
Windows + w (Kill focused window)
Windows + ctrl + r (Reload the config)
Windows + r ((Spawn a command using a prompt widget)
Windows + s (shutdown the computer)
Windows + f (launch Firefox)
Windows + t (launch Thunderbird)
Print (take a screenshot)

You can download my Qtile config file here :



190 Words

2024-08-20 11:59 +0200
