Bring color to nano text editor

Here is how to bring color to the nano text editor, I wonder why this is not the case by default. Edit the file /etc/nanorc or copy and edit it in the home directory (cp /etc/nanorc .nanorc)

And add the following line for color highlighting:

include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"

You can also choose colors for the different interface elements in nano by using the following elements :

set titlecolor 
set promptcolor
set statuscolor
set errorcolor
set spotlightcolor
set selectedcolor
set stripecolor
set scrollercolor
set numbercolor
set keycolor
set functioncolor

I personnaly use :

include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"

set titlecolor blue
set statuscolor green
set keycolor cyan



102 Words

2023-08-07 18:01 +0200
